Developed in Europe by one of the true pioneers in medical cosmetology, Dr. Assel Salimova, the Botox Full Face method has transformed the way we think about and administer Botox.
This revolutionary approach is rooted in an understanding that the anatomy of the human face is a profoundly interconnected system that can be divided into two basic categories of muscle movement: elevation and depression.
By strategically targeting, multiple, highly specific points that control DEPRESSION, BOTOX FULL FACE allows the muscles of ELEVATION to express themselves more efficiently.
Unlike conventional Botox technique, which addresses only isolated areas of concern, BOTOX FULL FACE not only produces a natural lifting across the entire facial landscape, but can actually enhance the proportions and symmetry of all the facial features (eyes, lips, nose, chin, jawline, fat pockets, etc.) Significant as these changes can be, the individual’s ability to produce natural facial expressions is preserved.
The results are longer-lasting, with effects extending from six months to a year, offering a more stable solution than conventional Botox protocols.
When done effectively BOTOX FULL FACE produces the effect of a non-surgical facelift, and provides an elegant foundation onto which all other anti-aging treatments can be layered.
This treatment is unique because it uses an average of 300-400 units of Botox to treat the face and neck. Despite these higher doses, this procedure is completely safe and does not lead to complications. On the contrary, because if requires such an in-depth understanding of individual facial anatomy, this treatment avoids the common complications that occur with conventional Botox injections, like heavy brows, frozen features, and asymmetry.